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Office building occupant? Check your utility bills: find hidden costs and save money with the help of a specialist

Office occupiers are often faced with complex and difficult to understand service charge bills. These statements can contain hidden and sometimes exaggerated costs that can put a strain on your budget. This article explains why it is important to check your service charge statements and how professional help can help you save money.

The issues involved in checking service charge statements

  1. Transparency and accuracy: Regularly checking your service charge statements ensures that they are transparent and accurate. This will prevent you from paying excessive amounts or unjustified charges.
  2. Identify hidden costs: Service charge statements may contain hidden costs related to the maintenance, upkeep or management of the building. A thorough check will help you identify these and challenge them if necessary.
  3. Negotiate with the landlord: Checking the service charge statement will provide you with strong arguments to negotiate with the landlord if you disagree with certain items of expenditure. This can lead to a reduction in your rent.

Specialist help to check your service charge accounts

There are several advantages to using a professional to check your service charge accounts:

  1. Expertise: A specialist has the skills and experience to analyse your expense accounts in depth. They know where to look for hidden costs and how to identify them.
  2. Time saving: Reviewing expense claims can be a complex and time-consuming task. A specialist will save you time by taking on this task and providing you with a detailed report.
  3. Advice and support: An expert will advise and support you throughout the process of reviewing your expense claims. He or she will help you understand the various expense items and implement actions to reduce your costs.
  4. Negotiating with the landlord: A specialist can help you negotiate with the landlord in the event of a dispute over rent. Their expertise will enable you to approach these discussions with solid arguments and maximise your chances of success.


Checking service charge statements is an essential step for office occupiers, as it allows them to identify hidden costs and make significant savings. Using a specialist guarantees a rigorous analysis of your bills and personalised support to optimise your budget.

B2B Estate can assist you with this review and help you renegotiate your service charges and rent.

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